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Healthy Aging and a Good Nights Sleep

As we grow older, we need to stay active to keep our bodies and system in shape. The older a person gets the less our bodies want to function so keeping it in shape is very important for all of us, even the younger people.

Sleeping is very important to all of us as we are aging. Aging brings on a different sleep pattern and we need to learn how to control it so when it is time to sleep we sleep well. It is normal as we age that it becomes harder to get a good nights sleep and feel rested when we wake up. Sleeping is as important as our diet and activities.  

Did you know that it is hard for woman to sleep more so than men in their aging years?  Women have more tendencies to feel stressed out more and they sometimes are just too busy to get themselves into an exercising routine. If you donít get enough sleep at night, it will reduce your alertness during the day because youíre tired. Long periods of sleepless nights can cause high blood pressure and isnít good for the heart either.

There are many reasons why some people canít achieve a restful nights sleep. Sometimes you might sleep but it is a light sleep and we need to have a deep restful REM sleep. Sometimes you may awaken during the night from pain perhaps caused from arthritis. Sometimes you may experience heartburn, which causes you to get less sleep. Snoring or feeling depressed sometimes can also cause you to loose sleep. You may have a stressful day followed by the lack of sleep. Muscles spasms can also cause a person to loose sleep. 

How you can reduce the problems that cause you to loose sleep: 

Caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine can cause us to lose sleep. Try not to drink liquids before going to bed, and stop smoking.  Smoking not only harmful to your body but it can cause you to lose sleep. Excessive noise in the house, the TV or radio in the bedroom and snoring are some more reasons that can keep us from sleeping. Donít try to go to bed and watch TV or listen to the radio; this will only keep you awake longer. You can learn to enjoy exercises to reduce muscles spasms and/or arthritic symptoms. You can also reduce eating unhealthy foods that cause heartburn, or drinking caffeine-based substances before you go to bed to improve your sleeping pattern. 

Do you have a pet that sleeps with you?  Even though you think they are giving you comfort it could cause you to lose that precious sleep you need. You may not realize it but everytime your pet moves, maybe snores; you can hear this while sleeping. Maybe you might have to get your pet a bed and let him sleep on the floor next to you. If you have allergies, your pet may be the cause, which can make you loose sleep as well. 

Napping is not good if you take one during the day for more than 25 minutes. I realize that maybe your not getting enough sleep during the night and you get tired in the afternoon. However, when you lie down during the day and sleep for a long time, when it is time to go to bed, youíve had just enough sleep that youíre not as tired.

Before you lie down to rest, you should also consider drinking a warm glass of milk. Studies have shown that warm milk helps a person to relax.

Healthy Aging and Doctor Visits 

Many of us despise visiting the doctors all the time although doctor visits can help keep us healthy. Some people enjoy visiting the doctors, since they are aware that it will keep them updated with their health issues. This is a good thing. 

How visiting your doctor regularly benefits you:

We should all go see our doctors at least once a year to get our yearly exam, unless we have illnesses that require frequent visits. This will help your doctor keep watch over your health. The doctor keeps a watch on your blood pressure, check your heart and so on. Breast exams, vaginal exams and other exams are essential for women. Every six months women should seek a pelvic exam and once a year depending on age, the patient should get a mammogram. There are a million reasons to see your doctor regularly. If you stay healthy you will feel better and you will be running stronger when the rest of us are laying in our bed wishing we would had listen.

How do I find a doctor? 

Finding a doctor is not hard for some and harder for others. You can check with people and ask them whom they have for a doctor or you can call your local hospital in your area and see who is in your area. Keep in mind that because you do not have a doctor now, it may make you feel uncomfortable when seeing a doctor for the first time. You need to find a doctor that makes you feel comfortable for this reason. 

You have to have a friendship with your doctor this way you will feel more a rest. If you do not like your doctor, other doctors are available that you can visit. You just have to find one that you like and go with that one.

How frequent doctor visits make you feel healthier: 

You will feel healthier for one thing when you visit the doctor frequently. Frequent visits will make you feel much better in the end. If there is something, wrong with you the doctor will be able to see it and can with hopes fix the problem but it you donít go the doctor will not be able to fix the problems. 

Doctors are your best friend. When you have a doctor in your corner the doctor will take extra care to make sure you are healthy. 

The doctor can help you to live a healthier life so you will look younger and feel younger. Do you know that saying oleí saying, ìyou are as old as you feel?î This saying can become yours by visiting your doctor frequently. 

As we grow older, we often feel sluggish. The reason is that our living cells are not replacing dying cells as quickly, as well other mechanisms within us, such as metabolism is not producing as quick. This causes us to feel sluggish. To feel better we need vitamins, herbs, and medications sometimes. 

What we need is accomplished when we seek professional support, since that support, team will evaluate and diagnose your problems. The diagnostics is what determines what the doctor can do to help you feel better. If you ignore the doctor, you may face Alzheimerís disease, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, strokes and so on. Most diagnosis have cures, the problem is most people do not seek medical attention until it is too late. 

If you are seeking medical support, you can go online, type in your zip code and conduct a random search. The sites online will offer you a list of doctors in your area.

Healthy Aging and your Quality of Life 

The quality of healthy aging

From the day we are all born, we age everyday. As a young person, we donít think about the later years in our life. We live in a very fast pace world today and it causes a lot of stress in our lives and as time goes on, the stress will affect us increasingly.

Everyone young and old, we all need to take care of our bodies and minds. By taking care of ourselves, it keeps us thinking, moving and helps prevent major illnesses such and cancer and many other diseases. We all have to work at keeping ourselves healthy and there is no better time than right now. The younger you start taking care of yourself the better it is; by starting early your catching things before they have time to progress.

So right now, start of by eating healthy. Keep an eye on that diet and make sure your not overeating, but eat enough to get vitamins you need to have. A good multivitamin is a good way to start adding supplements to what you donít get in your food. 

Food doesnít always have the amount of vitamins anymore like they use to, and that starts at the farmerís level. Donít blame the farmer for this because they are just doing their jobs the same way we all go to ours everyday. The farmer has to add fertilizer, chemicals and even water to their crops to make them grow bigger, faster and for beauty too. Adding all these chemicals eat up all the natural vitamins that you need. Water has chemicals in it too; one reason why your water needs to be tested at least once a year especially if you have well water. Once the food is grown and ready to be shipped it is polished, coated to keep it nice and fresh looking during shipment, which is why this will take away some of the vitamins as well. Try to eat as much, homegrown food as you can and not processed foods. Fresh homegrown food is the best, since you get natural vitamins.

A good multivitamin isnít going to hurt anyone. It is known that people who take a multivitamin everyday is in better health than someone who doesnít. Sometimes your doctor may want you to take extra vitamin, as we grow older because our bodies change and sometimes require more of something. In addition, as we grow older our eating habits change and we donít eat as much or we want to lose weight and donít eat the right foods.  Nevertheless, remember you can lose weight and still eat right.

As we grow older our bodies and mind change. All the stress we had growing up and continue through out our lives. Relieve that stress as much as possible because it can do a lot of harm to us. Stress is known to be a major factor for poor heart conditions, strokes, and it will lower our immune system, as we grow older.   

A regular exercise program is good for all ages and helps relieve stress at the early ages as well.  If only families took time out maybe as a family with their children and made it a part of their lives that would help relieve it during the younger years. 

A person who learns and enjoys exercising on a daily basis will keep during it, as they grow older as well.  

Exercising will help the older person to keep those bones more flexible so they donít get stiff and weak. The heart gets benefit from exercising too. Exercise will cause the heart to produce naturally, by working it harder to keep it highly flavored. Exercising helps to keep our bodies toned up and helps us to lose weight, or at most keeping the weight maintained. 

Remember starting early can help later in years to make your life healthier and more contented.

Healthy Aging and your Workplace 

More about your workplace and how it affects your health: 

Some places that you work at can be dangerous to your health. They can cause you a lot of medical and mentally problems. We know you have to work, now days if you do not work your not going to get anywhere. We are not telling you to run off and quite your job but we want you to do your work safely. So talk a long look into your work environment to see if you are safe or not. Does your environment affect your health? 

What are some of jobs that are bad for one to do?

Some of the jobs that are bad for your health are sawmills and other mills the reason for this is because of the small gains that you breath in your lungs. In sawmills, a person will breathe in the sawdust, which effects your respiratory system. Other types of mills a person will breathe in all the small gains like corn, or wheat, and what ever else they grain up. Breathing all this stuff can cause you to develop lung disease and/or lung cancer. Factories often cause bronchitis, allergies and so on. 

People in the southern parts work in the coalmines. These people have it bad too for the same reason. When the person visits the doctor environment factors are considered, which doctors often find damage due to the chemicals in the atmosphere or environment? 

Coalmines are filled with black Sid. Black Sid will causes diseases known as the black lung cancer. Once the disease is in your system, unless your doctor caught it at the first stage, usually a person is out of luck. 

Jobs may include the ones where a person has to spray to kill the weeds and the bugs. Spray is used to terminate lime also. The crops require such sprays to grow healthy, yet a person breathing in these hard chemicals are at risk. The chemicals do not only kill what they are spraying, but it ends up killing the person slowly. These chemicals could cause lung cancer or lung disease. Alternatively, if you are one of the lucky ones that donít get lung disease or cancer you just might various types of breathing problems.

What can I do to be safe while am at work?

When at work and you want to stay safe. You have options when it comes to workplace. You can play it smart and ask your supervisor if a mask is available. A caring supervisor will have one ready for you. If your supervisor does not offer you a mask, then you take it in your hands, go to your local drug store, and buy one for your own safety. In addition, make sure you wear the mask, it will help you in the end, since you will be better off than if you do not wear it.

What kind of mental problems can a job cause?

All jobs come with stress we have no control over. However, you can learn to control the stress that is put on you if you let stress control you that is bad for you. Stress will take control if you let it. We all have deadlines to meet as well as making sure we are doing our job the right way. Stress if out of control however can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, or even a stroke. Just remember you have all the control to handle the stress or to let it handle you. If you learn to handle stress and wear mask you will live a healthier life so play it safe.

Healthy Aging Means to Take Care of You 

The aging process is going by each and everyday of our lives. Stopping the clock is impossible so we all need to stay healthy and take care of ourselves. There is no way you can turn around the process, as we grow older so except it and take care.

Start working now to take care of yourself as you age. Taking care of yourself now will help slow down those aging diseases. A person can do many things, as they get older to take care of their health.  

You can start out by taking your multivitamins and all other prescriptions your health care provider has prescribed to you. Taking vitamins is as important as anything else you can do is. Vitamins will provide your body with repair tools. Vitamins will lessen the dangers and the risk of you getting some of the chronic diseases that you can acquire as you age. Diet alone doesnít normally give a person all the vitamins that they need. In fact, experts show that millions of people in the world suffer malnutrition despite the fact that they eat three healthy meals per day.  People are known to eat too much fast food, go on fads or quick weight diets that harm the body. This builds stress, which causes loss of vitamins.  

Maybe youíre a person who eats many processed foods because of your busy life style and there is just no time to cook the right meals. You could be one that stops off at a fast food place to eat three or four times a week before going to work or home from work because you are just to tired to fix supper. Remember eating all that fast food isnít good for the digestive system and all that fat from them fries isnít good. Take time to fix a meal and sit down to enjoy it; doing this will cut down on the calorie intake and it helps to relieve stress because your doing something good for you and or your family.  

Stop worrying about everyone else; take time out for you. Stress is bad for your heart, which affects your blood pressure, nervous system, and is hard in general on your body.  Stress can cause many things, even causing a person to become obese. The world is turning at such a fast pace these days that there is never time to take care of us, so start now. 

Try doing a little exercise to stay healthy as you age. Every little bit of exercise you do is better than not any at all.  An average person should exercise at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes. A person has many options when it comes to exercise.  Walking is a great exercise, since it helps you keep those muscles more flexibly and stronger.  

How happiness makes you live a longer life: 

Happiness is another way to stay healthy as you age. If you are not happy find out why and turn it around so you will be. Being happy and being with friends is always a good way to keep the stress away to. Donít let yourself get depressed and down; it will make your aging come upon you sooner than you want and it can cause you to be a very sick person. Depression is a sickness and you want to stay away from all that.

Again, there is no way you can stop from aging so stay in good health and slow it down.  Keep yourself happy, do those exercises and take those vitamins. Staying active helps keeps the stress down, keep you stronger and youíll feel better for doing it.

Healthy Aging Starting in your Home

We can all appreciate the term, aging gracefully. Do we know exactly what this means?  When we think of growing older, it is always affiliated with pain and discomfort. We read about ways to improve our inner mind and body but the focus should also be about our environment. By taking care of our surroundings of where you reside, can lead us to a healthy and happy years to come.  

It is said that home is where the heart is, and your home should be a place of sanctuary.  It should not be a source of element and emotional stress. Creating a healthy home is more complicated than you think. Many of us have allergies that sometimes lead to illness. You may want to remove unwanted carpets or other dust catchers, bathing pets on a regular basis, and investing in an air filter. You will find dehumidifiers and humidifiers online, which can help reduce elements in your home that causes allergies.   

Your home should be nurturing. If there is lack of comfort in your living space, try the following:

Bring the outdoors in. Cut flowers bring in pieces of rocks or other natural elements that gives you a sense of nature. 

Put green plants in your home. This is essential to filtering indoor pollutants.  The recommendation for the quantity of plants is two plants to every 100 feet. In addition, the plants will distribute natural oxygen throughout your home. What a great way to live a healthy aging life. 

Fewer items means less frustration, clean out the clutter, let go of the things you do not use or need. If you think you need these items, sit down and weigh out the pros and cons. If you see that the cons are higher than the pros, get rid of it. Let it go. 

In addition, take advantage of the sun; allow as much sunlight as possible to flow through your house. This gives youíre home a feeling of warmth. Take care that you avoid direct sunlight however for prolonged periods, since the sun can cause harm. 

Did you know that colors effect your emotionally and affect the way you feel in a home?  Every color has a significant meaning that could represent our physical and mental state.  For instance:

Red room:  Energizing, supports energy and passion and creates movement.  Great for an exercise room, not beneficial in your bedroom.  

Yellow room:  Inspires organization, intellectual clarity with happy thinking.  Even by using the color yellow as accents instead of painting, all walls will be positive.  

Green room:  Brings balance and tranquility but has the same energizing qualities.  Often used as a calming place for thinking for people in trouble or just needing to feel refreshed, since natural is our first established home. We all love nature, rather most of us do. Green plants, flowers, etc all bring nature into focus, which makes the heart feel good. 

White room:  Essential for feeling cleansed and purified. Remember that too much white brings a sterile environment that can also become isolated. Make sure to accent a white room with a vibrant color when painting all white. This is a perfect color for ceilings to brighten up with sunlight.  

Improving your life could easily start in the home, whether its trying something new with something natural or changing a color, these are easy methods to create harmony and balance in your surroundings, not to mention inspiration and warmth. The more effort you put into aging healthy, the more you will see good results. 

Tip: Animals has proven to be a source of healing. Allow a friendly critter to touch your heart.     

Healthy Aging Starts with Positive Thinking 

How to think positive

Many people wander the earth believing they the lack the strength and power to achieve their goals. This negative mechanism holds them down. You can gain motivation and live healthier, by simply telling yourself ìI can do it.î Anything you put your mind to, you can do it if you want to.  

How to tell self I can do it: 

Just say today I am going for a short walk. Tomorrow I will walk a little longer then the first day. You have to be in control of your thoughts, actions, behaviors, etc by building your power of the mind. Nevertheless, if you do not put your mind to it and you decide that you do not want to become active, and then you are only living a life filled with shortcomings. Your negative reflections will defeat the purpose of getting your thoughts in control. Saying I will do it later, is another negative reflection. This is called procrastination, which leads to laziness. Laziness leads to weak muscles and joints, which gradually builds up to medical problems. 

Take control of your thoughts. If you want to do something bad enough you will do what you have to do to get where you want to be. You need to make a goal and stick to it. Create plans that help you to reach your goals, and take action each day to achieve.  When you give up, it is a sign that you lack faith in self and is a clear indication of weakness. You need faith to stay strong. As well, you need positive thinking to strive. 

Good results:

Having a positive attitude will give you a jumpstart to a healthier life. Keep on pushing. Do not stop once you get started instead go until you reach your goal. When times get hard and you donít think you can go on just remember I ñcan- do ñ this always keep your head up and mind open. Donít dwell on something you canít change, rather focus on the things you have power to change. 

How to continue positive living: 

To stay positive you have to admit your feelings and express them. If you feel depressed or frustrated, just say it aloud. There is nothing wrong with showing emotions, providing you do not beat up your best friend physically to express those emotions. Stay in control and express what you feel. 

You have to talk about how you feel and donít blame your self but try to figure out why you are so depressed or frustrated. Failing to discover your intentions or reasons will reduce your control, especially if you do not understand what you need or want. Do not worry about the cause, rather find your wants and needs and the cause will come to you. 

Here is some pointer that might help you to get where you want to be. You have to look for a good role model and become acquainted with their way of thinking positive. Try to talk positive and avoid negative talk. Seek some support from friends and family. 

Reward your self with a massage or listen to your favorite music. Make a plan and stay with it no matter what. Just remember you can do whatever you want to do and keep your mind set for the good things and not the bad things. This will make you feel better and make you a happier person. If youíre happy, you will have a healthier life. Donít forget to create a goal. Donít make the goal so high that you wonít be able to keep it, but make it so that you can meet your goals. 

Healthy Aging Starts with Stress Reduction 

People are often unaware of what stress can do to their body and mind. Stress is bad for the heart. Stress will give you headaches, or make you feel depressed. Stress can do many harmful things to your body and mind, yet in some instances stress is good. Balancing stress is the key to living healthier. 

If you live with unhealthy stress, you will need to take action to reduce the volume. You have many options to relieve stress. 

Where does stress come from?

Stress develops from many different things. For instance, bills can cause you stress. Not paying your bills on time due to lack of funds can cause stress. Not having a job or kids can stress you out to the max. In addition, bad relationships can wear on your nerves. 

What can you do to get some relief from stress?

Some of the things that may help you to find relief from stress include reading a good book. Wrap yourself up in a warm blanket or cool area depending on the weather and enjoy a good book. Writing is one of the top keys that help you to reduce stress. When you are overloaded with stress, write down your feelings, emotions, thoughts and so on. Writing is a great exercise, put it to good use. Avoid overdoing it, so that you learn to enjoy writing rather than feeling frustrated at the thought of writing. 

You could also enjoy a nice hot, bubble bath. Add some candles around the tub, soak and enjoy. There are many ways that people can find relief from stress; you have to decide on the best way for you to find that relief. Go with whatever works best for you. 

If you cant find a way to do it on your own perhaps you can visit your family doctor, a counselor, friend or family member that will guide you to reducing your stress. Support is a great tool. Build up a support group that helps you live healthier, rather than wearing you down. 

What does stress do to my body?

Stress will do a lot to your body if you let it. It will control your emotions, thoughts, actions, behaviors, bodily functions and so on. If you allow stress to control you, it will bring you down to nothing, making you feel worthless. Stress can do a lot of damage to your body as well as your mind.

What can I do so I am not so stressed?

Stress can be reduced by minimizing bad habits. Try paying your bills on time if possible. If you cannot pay your bills on time due to insufficient funds, pay enough to avoid shut-off notices. You may want to setup a budget so that you spend wisely. Help is only a phone call away as well. Pick up your phone book, talk to people in your area, etc, since you just may find money available to help those with low-income pay bills. 

Another good way to avoid stress is to stay away from those who drag you down. If you have friends or family members feeding you negativity, let them go and find positive friends instead. Sometimes tough love is our way of saying, ìIíve had enough.î 

In addition, you can learn to eat healthy, exercise and put away those things that wear on your health. For instance, if you smoke, drink excessively, use drugs, etc, you are wearing heavily on your nerves. Put these things behind you if possible; otherwise seek help to put these things behind you. You have many options; check your resources to learn what is available to you. 

Healthy Aging with Vitamins

Healthy Aging with Vitamin and Supplements

The aging progression in our bodies is an on going thing each day of our lives. Bringing the clock to a standstill is out of the questions so we need to take care of ourselves on a daily basis. It is a known fact that as we age we need a dietary supplements and vitamins to substitute the declining bodily chemicals and substances.

Dietary supplements are sometimes needed because as we age our diets change and we eat less. Sometimes we eat more. As our skin and digestive system starts to change, so do our vitamin levels. In order to keep these levels up we may need to take a supplement to bring that level up where it belongs to keep us happy and healthy as we age.

Not having the right vitamins can cause cancers and chronic diseases to develop. We all need to understand the vitamins that we need and how they will help keep us stay healthy and safe. In all, we have two different kinds of vitamins, which one is the fat-soluble [A, D, E, K] and the second one is the water-soluble [B, C, P].

The fat-soluble vitamins if taken too much of can turn into a poison toxic. Our bodies produce Vitamin D and K, and the vitamins A and E need to come from our food or a supplement to help prevent cardiac disease and some cancers. Therefore, it is very important that you have the right amount of A, C, and E.

The water-soluble vitamins help the kidneys to rid of our excess waste on a daily basis so it is very important to get the right amount daily. You should consult with your physician to learn which vitamins and supplements are best suited for you. 

TIP: CHIRO-KLEENZ is a healthy, natural herb tea that detoxifies and trims the system. It is designed for both men and women. NOTE: This tea will cleanse the body of poisons, yet you should note that the tea would cause cramping, and frequent bowel movement. 

As we get older, our diets change and we donít eat like we should. In addition, the foods we buy sometimes donít have all or enough vitamins in them. The farmers are putting fertilizer and chemicals to make their crop larger and better and with all these chemicals, it lowers the vitamins that you get from your diet. Not eating the right diet or not enough can cause your vitamin level to drop. Some things you need to know are that Vitamin D is produced from the sun and the older we get the less we are outside, so by taking vitamin D it can help the brittle bones in our body and make them stronger. 

You can find B-12 by eating the right lean red meats, chicken and drinking skim milk.  Taking Vitamin B-12 and B-6 it helps to reduce heart disease. B-12 will help the red blood cells produce and maintain the nervous system as well too.

Are you not taking vitamins because it is too hard to swallow them?  

Some of us as we get older have a hard time swallowing, stay healthy by buying liquid vitamins. If you are not sure what ones come in liquid form ask your doctor and he can help you decide what you need and tell you if they are in liquid form or not. Some pills canít be cut up or crushed because they lose their strength, so stay healthy and look for the liquid type.

One of the most important things about healthy aging is to have a well balance meal three times a day. Take your medications and vitamin everyday as your doctor has prescribed and enjoy life. 

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