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Branch of Casualty Insurance

There are many examples of loss insurance that we can get from insurance companies. Currently there are many insurance companies that offer their products to protect or provide a variety of financial assistance for us. Some insurance companies offer loss insurance. There are many things that are covered and there are also many branches of loss insurance. For those of you who want to get this loss insurance from a certain insurance company, it's a good idea to know in advance the branch of general insurance. You will also get more information about one example of loss insurance, namely family insurance against accidents here.

There are many things that will be covered by the insurance company if you choose this loss insurance. Below you will find information on several coverage branches that you can choose according to your needs.

• Loss insurance for property. This insurance will cover your property from the risk of fire, earthquake, industrial risk, and so on.

• Engineering loss insurance. This insurance will provide coverage for civil work, machine installation, construction, electronic equipment, machinery and so on.

• Motor vehicle loss insurance will provide coverage in the event of damage to your motorized vehicle or you experience an incident caused by another party.

• Loss insurance for collateral. With this insurance, you can get coverage for tender guarantees, down payments, maintenance and also implementation.

• Miscellaneous loss insurance. Included in this loss insurance is coverage for theft, accidents, health, family, travel and so on.

Apart from the examples of loss insurance above, you can still get several other loss insurances. One thing that will be discussed here is family insurance against accidents which is also included in loss insurance.

About Family Insurance Against Accidents

We will never know what will happen to us in the next few hours. We also certainly want to protect the people we love from various bad things, especially accidents. Therefore, nowadays many people choose one example of loss insurance, namely family insurance against accidents to protect their family members. What will you get when you use this insurance? This insurance will provide protection for you, your children, and your wife or husband for 24 hours. This insurance will also protect you wherever you are and from possible accidents. You will be given coverage from accidents that will cause or result in death, permanent disability or other things. Later the insurance company will provide reimbursement for medical expenses and also guarantee the financial condition of you and your family if you or one of your family has an accident.

By using one of these examples of loss insurance, you will also get several privileges. You will be able to choose a hospital either within the country or abroad for treatment for you or your family members. You will also get affordable premiums so it won't burden you every year. This premium will also not change as your age changes. The compensation given is very large and varies depending on the package you choose and also the insurance company you choose. You should be careful in choosing an insurance company so that you don't lose money because you have paid for insurance but cannot get your rights.

There are many examples of loss insurance that we can get from insurance companies. Currently, many insurance companies offer their products to protect or provide various financial assistance for us. Some insurance companies offer loss insurance. There are many things that are covered and there are also many branches of loss insurance. For those of you who want to get this loss insurance from a certain insurance company, it's a good idea to know in advance the branch of general insurance. You will also get more information about one example of loss insurance, namely family insurance against accidents here.

Branch of Casualty Insurance

There are many things that will be covered by the insurance company if you choose this loss insurance. Below you will find information on several coverage branches that you can choose according to your needs.

• Loss insurance for property. This insurance will cover your property from the risk of fire, earthquake, industrial risk, and so on.

• Engineering loss insurance. This insurance will provide coverage for civil work, construction work

only machinery, construction, electronic equipment, machines and so on.

• Motor vehicle loss insurance will provide coverage if there is damage to your motor vehicle or you experience an incident caused by another party.

• Loss insurance for guarantees. With this insurance, you can get coverage for tender guarantees, down payments, maintenance and also implementation.

• Miscellaneous loss insurance. Included in this loss insurance is coverage for theft, accidents, health, family, travel and so on.

Apart from the examples of loss insurance above, you can still get several other loss insurances. One thing that will be discussed here is family insurance against accidents which is also included in loss insurance.

About Family Insurance Against Accidents

We will never know what will happen to us in the next few hours. We also certainly want to protect the people we love from various bad things, especially accidents. Therefore, currently many people choose one example of loss insurance, namely family insurance against accidents, to protect their family members. What will you get when you use this insurance? This insurance will provide protection for you, your children, and your wife or husband for 24 hours. This insurance will also protect you wherever you are and from possible accidents. You will be given coverage from accidents that will cause or result in death, permanent disability or other things. Later the insurance company will provide reimbursement for medical costs and also guarantee the financial situation of you and your family if you or one of your family members has an accident.

By using one of these examples of loss insurance, you will also get several privileges. You will be able to choose a hospital either within the country or abroad for treatment for you or your family members. You will also get affordable premiums so it won't burden you every year. This premium will also not change as your age changes. The compensation provided is very large and varies depending on the package you choose and also the insurance company you choose. You should be careful in choosing an insurance company so that you don't suffer a loss because you have paid for insurance but cannot get your rights.

Traveling is something that is loved by many people in the world. Of course, when doing it either alone or with someone, we hope that the trip we take will be smooth and enjoyable. We will make all preparations before leaving for the smoothness and enjoyment we envision. But of course not all the trips we have planned will always run smoothly as we hope, it is possible that several things outside of our plans will happen that will hinder our trip.

If you want to travel, especially abroad, you must have bought flight tickets well in advance. However, if you have to cancel your flight and have to buy a new ticket due to unforeseen circumstances such as illness or a really urgent event that must be attended, it will of course cost quite a lot more money. This can be easier if you have travel insurance before you travel. The cost of the new ticket will be borne by your insurance company. However, in Indonesia, very few people want to have insurance before traveling. Even though there are many benefits that we can get from having the insurance.

Apart from unexpected things that can happen before departure, other things can also happen while traveling, especially if we go on a long trip that takes a long time. Like our bodies becoming less fit and sick when traveling. This may be due to the lack of rest time we use, the lack of healthy food intake that we can eat, and also changes in weather, temperature or pressure in the environment around us. Especially if you are traveling abroad for hours or even days. Such conditions often cause bodily health to be disturbed and ultimately cause us to get sick at our destination. If this happens, of course it is not only a place to stay such as a hotel that we have to think about when we arrive at our destination, but also a hospital where we can treat the illness we are suffering from.

With a sick body, we can't travel as we please, or even we can ruin the schedule of events that have been planned. If we travel for company affairs, state affairs or educational affairs, kit

It can even harm other people as well as harming yourself, especially if you have to cancel a previously scheduled event. Not only that, if the event we have to attend also involves renting a place or renting goods, and we cannot attend because we are sick, of course we have to compensate for the rental costs. That way, not only hospital costs and lodging costs, but we also have to think about rental compensation costs. If we have to bear all these costs alone, of course it will be very burdensome, but it will be different if we have insurance. We will bear all costs that we have to pay together with the travel insurance that we have.

Based on the advantages and benefits that can be provided by having travel insurance, it will make it easier for us to travel wherever we want. Therefore, what are you waiting for? Immediately equip yourself with insurance before you travel so that you can enjoy your trip to the fullest.

Traveling is something that is loved by many people in the world. Of course, when doing it either alone or with someone, we hope that the trip we take will be smooth and enjoyable. We will make all preparations before leaving for the smoothness and enjoyment we envision. But of course not all the trips we have planned will always run smoothly as we hope, it is possible that several things outside of our plans will happen that will hinder our trip.

If you want to travel, especially abroad, you must have bought flight tickets well in advance. However, if you have to cancel your flight and have to buy a new ticket due to unforeseen circumstances such as illness or a really urgent event that must be attended, it will of course cost quite a lot more money. This can be easier if you have travel insurance before you travel. The cost of the new ticket will be borne by your insurance company. However, in Indonesia, very few people want to have insurance before traveling. Even though there are many benefits that we can get from having the insurance.

Apart from unexpected things that can happen before departure, other things can also happen while traveling, especially if we go on a long trip that takes a long time. Like our bodies becoming less fit and sick when traveling. This may be due to the lack of rest time we use, the lack of healthy food intake that we can eat, and also changes in weather, temperature or pressure in the environment around us. Especially if you are traveling abroad for hours or even days. Such conditions often cause bodily health to be disturbed and ultimately cause us to get sick at our destination. If this happens, of course it is not only a place to stay such as a hotel that we have to think about when we arrive at our destination, but also a hospital where we can treat the illness we are suffering from.

With a sick body, we can't travel as we please, or even we can ruin the schedule of events that have been planned. If we travel for company matters, state affairs or educational matters, we can even harm other people as well as harming ourselves, especially if we have to cancel a previously scheduled event. Not only that, if the event we have to attend also involves renting a place or renting goods, and we cannot attend because we are sick, of course we have to compensate for the rental costs. That way, not only hospital costs and lodging costs, but we also have to think about rental compensation costs. If we have to bear all these costs alone, of course it will be very burdensome, but it will be different if we have insurance. We will bear all costs that we have to pay together with the travel insurance that we have.

Based on the advantages and benefits that can be provided by having travel insurance, it will make it easier for us to travel wherever we want. Therefore, what are you waiting for? Immediately equip yourself with insurance before you travel so that you can enjoy your trip to the fullest.

Can you predict things that might happen in the future? When you are asked this, generally you will shake your head, you will not be able to see the future clearly. In short, your future is unknown to you and is still covered by a veil. If what's going to happen is good things, then it won't sell

so matter. But life is always bipolar. Nothing stays in the positive line forever. There is always a point where negative areas come into our lives. We won't stay at the top forever. There are times when we experience down times. And that also applies to our future. We must be prepared to face bad things that may happen in the future.

Do you have fire insurance?

Regarding the explanation above, maybe it's better for us to take a direct concrete example so that it will be easier for you to understand the essence of this article. Let's just take our house which we definitely consider valuable. In the future, good things might happen to our house. But bad things could also happen. One of them is fire. These days we often read the news or watch on television about how people lose money because of fires. Their assets were forfeited and they were in a financially depressed state. If this happened to you, what would you do? I have the answer, before anything happens, make sure you have fire insurance.

At this point, you may be wondering why you are advised to have fire insurance. Can this insurance prevent a fire from happening? As I mentioned before, good things and bad things in our life happen side by side. We cannot refuse or prevent bad things from happening in our lives. Bad or negative things are inevitable. However, we can reduce the risk. And this is why insurance for fire is one of the most trusted and effective solutions.

When a fire occurs, of course you will try to extinguish it. However, when the fire is out and some parts of the house or even the whole house is burnt down, what can you do? If you don't have fire insurance, there's absolutely nothing you can do. You can only mourn the losses that are in sight. However, if you have protected your home assets with insurance, you only need to report the fire that occurs and ask for a claim from the insurance. Later the insurance will process and will provide compensation or compensation for you. In other words, you can avoid financial losses. The fire is unavoidable, but you can avoid bankruptcy. By using the money from the insurance, you can build your house again so that your life will still be fine.

So are you interested in having this insurance? You should be interested because it is very profitable for you. One tip for you. When you want to get fire insurance that can give you optimal satisfaction, make sure you get it from an insurance company that is already well-known. Don't be tempted by routine premiums with low costs because there could be negative things that could harm you in the future. It's better if you pay a slightly more expensive premium but your assets can be completely guaranteed or you can even make a profit from it.

Can you predict things that might happen in the future? When you are asked this, generally you will shake your head, you will not be able to see the future clearly. In short, you cannot know your future and it is still covered by a veil. If what will happen is good things, then it won't be a problem. But life is always bipolar. Nothing stays in the positive line forever. There is always a point where negative areas come into our lives. We won't stay at the top forever. There are times when we experience down times. And that also applies to our future. We must be prepared to face bad things that may happen in the future.

Do you have fire insurance?

Regarding the explanation above, maybe it's better for us to take a direct concrete example so that it will be easier for you to understand the essence of this article. Let's just take our house which we definitely consider valuable. In the future, good things might happen to our house. But bad things could also happen. One of them is fire. These days we often read the news or watch on television about how people lose money because of fires. Their assets were forfeited and they were in a financially depressed state. If this happened to you, what would you do? I have the answer, before anything happens, make sure you have fire insurance.

At this point, you may be wondering why you are advised to have fire insurance. Can this insurance prevent a fire from happening? As I mentioned before, good things and bad things in our life happen side by side. We can neither deny nor create

bad things don't happen in our life. Bad or negative things are inevitable. However, we can reduce the risk. And this is why insurance for fire is one of the most trusted and effective solutions.

When a fire occurs, of course you will try to extinguish it. However, when the fire is out and some parts of the house or even the whole house is burnt down, what can you do? If you don't have fire insurance, there's absolutely nothing you can do. You can only mourn the losses that are in sight. However, if you have protected your home assets with insurance, you only need to report the fire that occurs and ask for a claim from the insurance. Later the insurance will process and will provide compensation or compensation for you. In other words, you can avoid financial losses. The fire is unavoidable, but you can avoid bankruptcy. By using the money from the insurance, you can build your house again so that your life will still be fine.

So are you interested in having this insurance? You should be interested because it is very profitable for you. One tip for you. When you want to get fire insurance that can give you optimal satisfaction, make sure you get it from an insurance company that is already well-known. Don't be tempted by routine premiums with low costs because there could be negative things that could harm you in the future. It's better if you pay a slightly more expensive premium but your assets can be completely guaranteed or you can even make a profit from it.

A "vehicle insurance claim" is an attempt by the policy holder to ask the insurance company for compensation due to theft or accident involving the car or vehicle that has been insured. In the following, we will review the procedure for submitting car insurance claims by policyholders.

When your car has been lost due to being stolen or in an accident, the first thing you have to do is contact the insurance company within 3×24 hours. You can contact by telephone, SMS, email or by coming directly to the insurance company's office. This must be prioritized to avoid rejection of the "car insurance claim" that you submit on the grounds that it has passed the specified time period.

When you have an accident and the car is still running, it is best to take the car to one of the workshops appointed by the insurance company. If the car has suffered severe damage, it is better if the car is photographed or documented first. This photo will later become proof that there really was an accident.

The policyholder must fill out a form provided by the insurance company. This form is one of the complete documents for approval of car insurance claims. Next is to provide information regarding the chronology of events to the insurance company with true information. This will later be considered by the insurance company whether the claim will be approved or rejected. In addition, the policyholder is required to complete several documents offered by the insurance company. The documents that must be prepared are as follows:

# Accident documents

1. Filled claim form. The new claim process will be carried out by the insurance company if the policyholder has filled out the claim form completely.

2. Copy or photocopy of car insurance policy. This document will later serve as proof that the policyholder is indeed a customer at an insurance company. In addition, this document is used to find out whether the premium has been paid or not.

3. Copy or copy of driver's license.

4. Copy or photocopy of STNK.

5. Certificate from the local police. This document will be considered by the insurance company to provide compensation or not.

# Third party responsibility document (if there is a third party)

1. A statement regarding the claim for compensation from a third party. This document can be used as collateral that the policyholder has caused damage to a third party's car.

2. Statement letter regarding the absence of insurance. Generally, there are a number of insurance companies that will not provide compensation if a third party has car insurance. Therefore, this document is a very important requirement.

3. Copy or photocopy of SIM/KTP and STNK.

4. Certificate from the local police. This letter will be proof that an accident occurred at a certain time and in a certain place.

How to Choose the Right Loss Insurance Product

There are several things you must pay attention to when determining the loss insurance product that will be used by yourself or the company where you work. Here are some

tips on how to choose the right loss insurance product.

# Separate objects/goods based on economic calculations

Choose items that are deemed necessary to be insured so that you will not lose in the future. For example, if you want to take out fire insurance for your house and furniture, there is no need to include the computer and its accessories in the calculation. This is because the recovery value for computer companies is very low when compared to the value when the computer was purchased or when it was insured.

# Identify objects/items clearly

It is recommended to first identify the goods/objects to be insured. For example, in a garment factory with owned machines, generators and other equipment that is still related to factory production activities.

# Choose an insurance company with a good reputation

Don't be easily fooled by the offer of a low premium rate from a certain insurance company. If you are fooled, it is feared that the insurance company will not be able to complete the claim payment when you submit a claim to the insurance company.

# Provide clear information/descriptions

It is advisable to provide very clear information about the object/item to be insured. Apart from that, look for complete information about the insurance products offered. You can ask about the type of insurance, premium rate, coverage area, amount of fees to be paid and claim procedures.

# Good insurance coverage coverage

You should choose insurance with the broadest coverage before the insurance company issues a policy. For example, choose cover property all risks for building property insurance, or cover all risks for motor vehicle insurance.

# Choose an insurance product package

It is recommended to choose one insurance package at a time rather than choosing just one insurance product. This way you will get better service and discount facilities.

# Choose the First Loss Insurance system

If you have an object insured with a very large value, it is recommended to use the first loss insurance system from the insurer. This is intended so that the premium you have to pay does not become too large.

# Adjustable Policy System

The amount or insurance value of merchandise stock will generally show a different volume every day and every month. To overcome this, you can choose an adjustable policy system so that you will pay premiums based on transactions or volumes that you have actually made.

# Thorough and ask

It is recommended to always read carefully all policy statements and their articles. You can also ask about the complete claim procedure before agreeing to issue an insurance policy. If there is an error in writing, it is a good idea to immediately notify the insurance company so that they will issue a correction to the policy.

A direct concrete example is provided to help you better understand the essence of this article. Let's consider our house, which we definitely consider valuable. In the future, good things might happen to our house, but bad things could also happen, such as a fire. These days, we often hear about people losing money due to fires, resulting in financial hardship. If this were to happen to you, what would you do? I have the answer: before anything happens, make sure you have fire insurance.

At this point, you may be wondering why you are advised to have fire insurance. Can this insurance prevent a fire from happening? As I mentioned before, good and bad things happen side by side in our lives. We cannot deny or prevent bad things from happening. However, we can reduce the risk, and that is why fire insurance is one of the most trusted and effective solutions.

When a fire occurs, you will naturally try to extinguish it. However, if the fire destroys parts of your house or even the entire house, what can you do? If you don't have fire insurance, there is nothing you can do except mourn the losses. However, if you have protected your home assets with insurance, you only need to report the fire and file a claim with the insurance company. The insurance will then process your claim and provide compensation. In other words, you can avoid financial losses. The fire may be unavoidable, but you can avoid bankruptcy. By using the money from the insurance, you can rebuild your house and continue with your life.

So, are you interested in having this insurance? You should be interested because it is very beneficial for you. One tip for you: when you want to get fire insurance that can provide optimal satisfaction, make sure you get it from a well-known insurance company. Don't be tempted by low-cost premiums because there may be negative consequences in the future. It's better to pay a slightly higher premium and have your assets completely guaranteed or even make a profit from it.

A "vehicle insurance claim" is when a policyholder asks the insurance company for compensation due to theft or an accident involving the insured car or vehicle. In the following section, we will review the procedure for submitting car insurance claims.

When your car has been stolen or involved in an accident, the first thing you must do is contact the insurance company within 3×24 hours. You can contact them by telephone, SMS, email, or by visiting their office. This must be done promptly to avoid rejection of the car insurance claim on the grounds of exceeding the specified time period.

If your car is still drivable after an accident, it is best to take it to one of the workshops appointed by the insurance company. If the car has suffered severe damage, it is better to photograph or document it first. This photo will serve as proof that an accident did occur.

The policyholder must fill out a form provided by the insurance company, which is a crucial document for the approval of car insurance claims. The policyholder should also provide accurate information about the chronology of events to the insurance company. This information will be considered by the insurance company when deciding whether to approve or reject the claim. Additionally, the policyholder must complete several documents required by the insurance company, including accident documents and third-party responsibility documents (if applicable).

When choosing a loss insurance product, there are several things you should consider. First, separate objects or goods based on economic calculations to ensure that you will not suffer losses in the future. Next, clearly identify the objects or items to be insured. It is also important to choose an insurance company with a good reputation and to provide clear information and descriptions about the object or item to be insured. Additionally, ensure that the insurance coverage is comprehensive and consider choosing an insurance product package for better service and discount facilities. If you have an object insured with a high value, consider using the first loss insurance system. Lastly, thoroughly read and understand all policy statements and ask about the claim procedure before agreeing to an insurance policy. If there are any errors, notify the insurance company promptly for a correction. 

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